In almost all health recommendations, the act of drinking water is of significant importance in the recovery and maintenance of the body, and it’s no coincidence: 60% of the body is made up of water, and it goes through a cyclical process of absorption, transportation and elimination that requires this water to be renewed all the time.
During the day, it’s not always easy to drink the minimum amount necessary, due to lack of time, forgetfulness or not feeling like it, but many experts say that you need to create a habit of drinking water, so you don’t have to wait for thirst to come before drinking, because by waiting for this stimulus the body is already in a state of dehydration.
Here are some reasons why you should increase your daily water intake.
Hydrating the cells
For the body to function properly, water is present in most cellular processes. From skin tissue cells to brain cells.
Thus, tissues require a good amount of water to function, in the skin, for example, collagen attracts a quantity of collagen to help firm and moisturize the skin.
The joints, which have lubricating fluids to prevent bone friction, need water to make them more consistent and facilitate body movement.
In the brain, just as blood has a preferred route to get there, water also goes along with the blood, so that there is a good employee, as it is an organ that needs to act quickly and cannot stop, in cases of dehydration it is possible to damage memory, cognition and mood.
Improves digestion
Water plays an important role in digestion. By moistening saliva, it helps food to enter the esophagus, facilitating its passage. It also helps to keep the mouth clean, and if it is consumed more than sugars, it can reduce the risk of tooth decay.
Deeper down, the intestine needs water to function properly, to improve intestinal transit, thus avoiding digestive problems such as constipation and stomach acidity.
Improves the respiratory tract
When the body is dehydrated, the respiratory tract tries to minimize its efforts to ration water, which can worsen allergies and asthma.
The production of mucus in this area is important for good filtration of the upper airways and reducing the chances of viruses and bacteria reaching the lungs and causing pneumonia.
Helps eliminate fluids
Fluids are eliminated through sweat and urine. Sweating helps to regulate body temperature, and when you drink water, much more water than salt leaves the body.
Alcoholic drinks act as a diuretic, so it’s normal for a hangover to lose a lot of fluid through urine. If you drink water during breaks from drinking, you’ll certainly reduce the effects of the alcohol.
Participates in athletic performance
When the body participates in intense physical activity, it will require more water to eliminate it through sweat and maintain body temperature. It also reduces oxidative stress, which occurs in the muscles, 80% of which contain water.
Dehydration can therefore lead to a change in body temperature, reduced motivation and increased fatigue.
Prevents kidney problems
One of the biggest kidney problems caused by dehydration is the formation of kidney stones, which are mineral crystals that are deposited in the kidneys in the form of stones.
When you drink more fluids, your urine is more dilute, so the concentration of minerals decreases and they are less likely to crystallize and form clumps.
Helps you lose weight
Try to combine your diet with a good intake of water and you’ll see a huge difference in weight loss, because when you fill your stomach with water, it reduces hunger and increases satiety, so you don’t feel like eating all the time and in large quantities.
It also helps to increase metabolism and speed up calorie burning. Ideally, you should drink a full glass of water half an hour before a meal to help you lose weight.
Temperature regulation
The formation of sweat serves to regulate temperature, so when it’s hotter, the water secreted makes the body cooler, and when it’s colder, the body will ration water so that it doesn’t become dehydrated.
When there is little water in the body, it gets hotter and the individual is less able to tolerate the heat, and in the cold, the body becomes more dehydrated because it is more focused on trying to balance the temperature.
Balances blood pressure
Water plays a part in the composition of blood, making it more consistent and able to pass through all the blood vessels. In this way, it can help balance blood pressure.
Helps transport oxygen
Water participates in the transportation of oxygen and nutrients. By taking in the minimum amount of water, cellular and metabolic respiration will be very efficient, improving quality of life.
Develop the habit of drinking water
In short, drinking water seems like such a simple thing, but small distractions can make you forget and feel a dryness in your throat that only then you drink water.
On the way in, the kidneys and the body in general feel it and in the long term, kidney stones, renal colic and even heart failure can result.
However, as has been said, there are many benefits to drinking water regularly on a daily basis, so make small reminders throughout the day to drink water and little by little, you will develop this habit.